Our New Warehouse and Administration Building
Welcome! We have expanded and remodeled our premises. Our administration and camp are now in the modern building in the “Gahlenfeldstraße 44” next to the production hall.
We want our visitors to feel comfortable. So, be our virtual guest and take a look around. The bright light-filled space and its open design create a friendly atmosphere.

The Nikolic GmbH is a medium-sized company, since 1986 we develope and produce wear parts and tools for Demolition Machines.
Over 35 years experience » a strong foundation for your ideas and projects.
Use Information to Prevent Risks

Technological advances and the increase in environmental protection requirements ask for special methods and concepts. Member companies of the German Demolition Association are regularly advised of alterations and innovations.
Potential hazards in the demolition sector are significantly higher than in other industries. It is therefore the client's and the planners's responsibility to meticulously meet their obligations in order to cooperate in the preparation and monitoring of demolition works. You are required to prepare and perform demolition work with the lowest possible risk for personnel or third parties. The basis provides the risk assessment by the entrepreneur and the establishment of appropriate protection measures.